Wednesday, October 08, 2008

1/3 of a lung and still smoking

people are stupid about smoking.
if you only have 1/3 of your one lung still working and you decide to continue to smoke- you are an idiot! and not only an idiot for yourself but you are carelessly using medicare to help pay for your medical needs which is coming out of tax payers pockets. so, you know what- don't work. keep smoking, keep using the government and taking from it everything that you can. You will be dead soon- (oh, right- you didn't think smoking could kill!) and one less free loader to think about.

week one

so it's been about a week since my doctors appointment. and these are the things i've learned about my eating habits and what foods my stomach does not like:

I usually eat really good (meaning healthy, low calorie and low carb) until about 10pm. after that time, it all goes down hill. which really sucks for me, because since i work at night I eat really late and that even carries on to the nights i'm not working.

I had a moment today- i was watching a tv show and a girl i went to college with was in it. and she looked pretty amazing. she never looked amazing and now she looks amazing. so immediately I wanted to kill myself and start throwing up everything i had eaten all day (but i hate throwing up, even when i'm sick i'd rather not throw up, so needless to say, i didn't throw up).

so, anyway, i dont know what all this means except that i had a moment and i don't like the way i look anymore and that directly is affecting how i feel about myself. so blah. i feel blah.

Friday, October 03, 2008

fun facts!

After the recent debate and listening to CNN about their "fact checker", i checked it out. I also found this article on I find it extremely interesting that these people go on national tv and talk about numbers and quotes and voting histories that aren't always the truth. I mean, yeah, I can make anything look better than it actually is or worse depending whos side i'm on. And since the majority of Americans aren't up to date on how many times so-in-so voted on this or on that--- no one would be ever the wiser! oh, how i love the internet!

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


So, I went to the doctor today because my stomach hurts all the time and i was put on a diet. Mainly to find out which foods make my stomach hurt and which ones don't and how my body processes them. I also have to make a food diary and in two weeks go back to her. After I eat I'm supposed to take note of how I feel. I'm to eat whatever I would normally eat, just take note of how it makes me feel. (not supposed to drink diet drinks and when i eat tacos- i told her i eat a lot of tacos- i should eat them with a corn tortilla. worse two things ever.)
So here we go...

oct. 1, 2008
Three cups of water - 12pm - felt thirsty
Chicken Breast, sweet potato, diet coke - 2pm - felt hungry and still hungry. my meal also came with mac and cheese but it was cold so i didn't eat it. the diet coke tasted great. i'm not supposed to drink diet coke anymore. ugh.
Crackers - 4pm - very salty and delicious.
2 oreos - 5:30pm - wanted something sweet. they were just ok actually. maybe almost stale.
a couple more glasses of water- 7:15pm
a few carrots with ranch dressing - 7:45pm (my work had them) they were ok. the dressing was weird.

so, i'll keep posting when i eat more. it already seems like i've eaten a lot today. and i'm hungry right now. writing and thinking about food so much might not be a good thing...