Friday, March 14, 2008


This is something that makes me very happy. Bob called me at work to tell me about this new site that is a company or offspring of Fox and they have a bunch of movies and tv shows you can watch for free on your computer. So I spent the last four hours watching past episodes of The Office. It was great and I can't wait to spend more hours at my job watching other really great shows. Thankfully I got a raise today, so all that time I'm making a few extra bucks. Check it out at

also, for all you office fans out there- New Episodes air April 10th! which just so happens to be the day I get back from Mexico and one of my best friends birthdays! so happy birthday to him and happy return for me and the office. I've missed Jim, Pam, dwight, Jan, Oscar, tobey, angela, kevin, stanley, Phyllis, Creed, Ryan, Kelly, the warehouse guys and Michael.

happy friday!

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