Monday, March 17, 2008


so, just for fun, i decided to calculate my BMI. Lately I've been running an average of about 3 miles every other day and two days a week playing tennis. Usually I do some muscle toning too but not as regularly as the other things. So I calculated it and I'm 24.8. which is still considered in the Normal range, but very close to the Overweight range. So, I then calculated how many calories I'm probably eating now, and how many I need to cut out to lose 10% of my body weight. Which on this website- said that was the way to do it. anyway, I'd have to lose about 12 pounds. and cut out 500 calories a day. and that is already including when I'm exercising. So I read the article and I need to up the amount of cardio, do three times a week of strength training and not eat any sweets, refined cards or drink any wine or beer. So, basically if I wanted to move my range closer to the middle of the Normal range, I have a lot of work to do. Only really sucks because i'm at work right now, and I would love to work out. I guess I need to bring a treadmill and put it in the spare room. I'm sure my boss would love that. anyway, I'll keep you all updated on the progress of this and maybe if my body gets slamming- I'll post pictures too. but only if it's slamming!

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