Monday, January 16, 2006

talking talking talking.

Ok friends- this is the thing:
(disclaimer: i'm about to rant. i'm sorry.)
People talk about eachother. it has happened since the beginning of time and although it has developed a bad connotation- i would say that the majority of the time it is completely harmless and probably in favor the the talked about. Probably praising the ground they walk on, laughing about memorable times you shared with them, etc. this is a great way to bond with people you haven't seen in a while- to catch up on old friends, boyfriends, etc.
If it's not in favor but it is a friend of yours you are dishing about- then this is a great way to figure out certain situations, evaluate them with another and decide what actions might need to be taken, if any action at all. Obviously bashing someone to death isn't right- but I think talking out your small issues with another person can be helpful and avoid small arguments or problems.
This may seem out of left field for some of you, but really it's the truth. So I figured we could take a poll- who of you have talked about someone whom you love, trust, are friends with, etc? the thing is- all of you have.

a strange thing has been happening lately. and usually i don't like to get involved in controversy or confrontation... but this strange thing that has been happening is annoying me to the point where i might have to get involved. So, I don't want to point out the obviously, but I guess i should. Friends, Loved ones, relatives, co-workers( if i had them), crazy guy at ralphs- I Talk about YOU. I do. NO, I don't reveal deep dark secrets of yours- or anything done in confidence- But i have and probably will talk about you to someone else. And we will laugh, talk about it over dinner or lunch, for a while, or not long at all- but it will happen. I hope you don't mind. It's definitely not malicious. and i love all of you beyond words. so please stop fighting and getting upset. because when you are upset- it upsets me.

I guess this is stemming from events that have happened over the last week or so. One friend of mine in particular has become obsessed with other people talking about him. which is so odd to me, because he is a very confident, self assured guy- who i would never think would care one way or another. so i guess, i'm puzzled. I have found that some people, including some of my friends, don't know how to really talk to our friends about sensitive issues. so then craziness happens. which is why all these people have blogs. anyway- i'm going on and on- i'm annoyed. blah- i quit.
happiness tomorrow.

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